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About Pam

Pam Jantz is an author/speaker who is passionate about sharing her story.  Growing up in dysfunction and being unhappy for most of her life, happiness has been a struggle she has wrestled with most of her life.  Echoing in her mind were the words of her grandfather, “You were meant to rise to your potential.”


When her marriage ended in divorce, this crossroads motivated her to search out for the root cause of her emotional struggles.  Once she sought out help and did the work it takes to bring healing, she felt a desire to help others embrace healing and, ultimately, purpose, in their own lives.


Pam comes from a family of entrepreneurs and has operated 7 different businesses including:  custom curtains, construction companies, and a residential and commercial cleaning company.


With three grown children, scattered across the U.S., Pam resides with her husband, Sheldon, in Colorado, where the two enjoy projects around the house, hiking, being in nature, and traveling.


Pam is the founder of Breathe & Bloom, LLC, where her goal is to breathe life into others so they can bloom into their potential.

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